Hi, I’m Sheau Ting

aka Xiao Ting, a dedicated UI/UX Designer located in Penang, Malaysia. Passionate about improving lives through design, I’m always eager to learn and connect with motivated individuals to exchange ideas. Let’s innovate together!

My values

Embracing passion fuels my growth. Engaging in activities I love and find fulfilling leads to enhanced value and outcomes.

Keep Learning
The adage “live and learn” resonates deeply with me. I find joy in acquiring new knowledge and honing my skills as an ongoing process in life.

I believe in treating others with the same respect and consideration I expect for myself. Recognizing our shared humanity, with common needs and struggles, fosters empathy and understanding in every interaction.

5 Must-Haves I look for in a job

Inspirational Leadership
I seek a leader who inspires and guides, embodying traits of trustworthiness, responsibility, and emotional intelligence.

Collaborative Team Environment
I thrive in an atmosphere of teamwork, where collective efforts drive success and fulfillment. Continuous improvement is key to our shared goals.

UX Design Focus
While I understand the need for versatility, I prioritize roles with a strong emphasis on UX design. Focusing on individual strengths enhances overall team capabilities.

Supportive Workspace Culture
A healthy workspace culture not only nurtures positive relationships but also enhances productivity and output.

Personal Growth and Development
I value a workplace that fosters personal growth, allowing individuals to evolve into their best selves through positive reinforcement and supportive environments.