MY Vitamin Sea

Apr – Jun 2022

MY Vitamin Sea is an app prototype target to divers in Malaysia with the mission of providing sufficient information about diving locations, dive sites, and dive centers. It also target helps divers stay connected.


Product Designer
User research, Visual design, Prototyping & Testing


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Useberry


As a diver, I find that it’s not easy to find information that I want to know about diving in Malaysia. Hence, the idea of scuba diving in Malaysia is developed.

Understanding the Problem

Interview survey is conducted with individuals including people who are interested in diving, divers, instructor as well as dive master. Research shows that:

  • People who are interested in diving have difficulty understanding WHY scuba diving needs to attend courses and go through training?

  • Divers find that it is DIFFICULT for them to search for information that they wanted to know.

  • Information is usually spread through the WORD OF MOUTH.


With our users in mind, we created 2 Persona, Diver Mei and Tauke Ah Kao to guide our design solutions.

Diver Mei

Mei loves to explore, dive and travel around. She likes to invite and encourage friends to join her local diving trip. She got excited when discovering something new while diving.


  • Explore more local diving spots
  • Spend lesser time in information searching and booking whenever go for a diving trip


  • Easy access to information about the dive center, accommodation, dive sites, and how to get there

Tauke Ah Kao

Tauke Ah Kao lives on an island. He loves diving and introduces diving to new learners. He loves to share his fun and crazy diving experiences with people. He loves the ocean.


  • Get people to understand diving
  • Educate people on the importance of safety in diving
  • Share his encounter with others


  • Educate people on diving
  • A space for his storytelling
  • To be discovered by others

Defining the MVP

From data gathered during interviews and contextual inquiry, a list of priorities for the design is synthesized.


  • Map
  • Dive Center (info & deals)
  • Dive Site (photos & videos)


  • Instruction
  • SOS Emergency
  • News
  • How to get there
  • Diver clubs
  • Favourite List


  • Weather & Tides
  • Other activities available


Sketches & Wireframes

Below shows how the project evolves from sketches to wireframes to the final prototype.